Monday, March 11, 2013

One week later...

...same bud, different angle, but this time there is most definitely little leafy bits sticking out the of aforementioned bud.  Tiny teeth, itty-bitty hydathodes, teeny-weeny spongy mesophyll - all unmistakably grapevine leaf  tissue.
Budbreak is upon us!


New Hampshire Wineman said...

Now we see the past and the future; taking a bite out of time is a matter of some faith, but we do have reasonable expectations that there is predictability in time, in nature, but not much in people;-)
I guess I didn't get enough sleep last nite!

Thomas said...

The one time of the year that I wish I lived in California. Budbreak is so "on time" out your way.

Great picture.

Vinogirl said...

NHW: The yearly cycle of the grapevine is a definite indication of the passage of time. Get more sleep!

Tomasso: California has many, many problems - weather is not one of them.

Thud said...

Any tinchy winchy bits?

Vinogirl said...

Thud: Yes. And even minuscule miscellanea. See for yourself.