Saturday, March 09, 2013


When does a customised cork carry too much information?  When there is so much ink one can't even be bothered reading it all! Besides, much of the same information is printed on the back label of the wine bottle.  This cork has the most inked information on it of any cork I have ever seen.  It's a veritable thesis.
As for the wine it was pleasant, but nothing to write home about (except I am indeed writing about it).  The Ravines, 2010, Finger Lakes Dry Riesling, was a gift from a friend (the same friend who also gave me and Vinomaker the bottle of Lamoreaux Landing we had both enjoyed so much).  This Riesling was not bad; it had some petroleum notes, the acid was just wasn't the zippy glass of wine I wanted after a warm afternoon of pruning Cabernet Sauvignon vines.  (I started to prune the red grapes yesterday). So I switched to a Sauvignon blanc instead.  Much better.


New Hampshire Wineman said...

Vinogirl, I don't remember seeing that TMI cork when I opened my 2010R-FL RSL! I didn't notice any petroleum either, and since I hate petrol in wine (I thought I was sensitive to it) I must wonder if your wine received a dose of heat somewhere or if you are just more sensitive than I am to it?
TMI on a cork doesn't bother me; I just ignore it.
Tell me, when you are pruning, do you feel like you must hurry or do you "get into it" with a kind of mystical fellowship with the vines? "There are no stupid questions", I know, but this comes pretty close!

Vinogirl said...

NHW: They make another, vineyard designated, Riesling I believe. The other two Finger Lake Rieslings I have had showed nary a trace of petroleum, but there was indeed a light whiff of it in this particular one.
Each vine is an individual, so I can't rush...especially as I am making pruning decisions for the crop of 2014 also. Besides, I prune really slowly.

Thud said...

OK. prince Charles, you will be talking to the buggers next.

Vinogirl said...

Thud: I do tell them off for pushing out weird shoots now and again.