The Pinot grigio fruit set looks good, aided by the fact that the weather has co-operated during bloom, no rain, no high winds. The flowers were left in peace to do their little self-pollinating thing. Vinomaker will be happy that he has plenty of white grapes to play with this vintage.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Bunches of flowers.
The Pinot grigio fruit set looks good, aided by the fact that the weather has co-operated during bloom, no rain, no high winds. The flowers were left in peace to do their little self-pollinating thing. Vinomaker will be happy that he has plenty of white grapes to play with this vintage.
Friday, May 29, 2009
My babies.

I had field budded some vines last September and now it is time to train them up a stake and watch them mature into wine grape bearing adults. Sniff. Brings tears to my eyes, or is that my back aching?
Field budding,
Pinot gris,
spring ops
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cold stabilisation.
Now some people may like wine diamonds in their glass, but most consumers prefer a little less crunch in their wine beverage of choice. The purpose of potassium-bitartrate stabilisation is to prevent the crystallisation of the tartrate in the bottle.
This is a 3 week long operation at the winery with the tanks being frozen down to 27F, resulting in a good half inch of ice on the outside of the stainless steel. Additions, in ppm, of isinglass and bentonite aid in the fining process which produce a beautifully clear wine that is however still rich in ML bacteria...on to the filter.
On a 90F day, like it was yesterday, I try to find any excuse to be in the tank room so that I can give a frozen tank a hug...even if it does contain Chardonnay!
Cream of tartar
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Do what you love.

I had a beer with dinner!
Negra Modelo,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hello Napa.

Strolling around the vineyard this morning, observing the Chia Pet like growth of the vines (in my 2 week absence), I noticed this feat of engineering. There are many bird's nests around the house and vineyard right now, but this one, tucked up under the eaves of the barn, caught my eye. Our industrious feathered friends are generally ingenious in their choice of nesting materials, but this little opportunistic twitter had chosen discarded grapevine rachises to underpin the structure of her domicile...or maybe it was meant as an aesthetic, architectural statement.
Home sweet home.
house finch,
Napa nest,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Goodbye Blighty.

It was an all round good day; had a leisurely stroll in the park, watched a cricket match, ate Scouse for dinner, had some relatives stop by to say cheerio, and watched the Eurovision Song Contest. A very English day.
The main reason for my trip home was the expectant arrival of a new niece. For two weeks I asked my sister-in-law, several times a day, if she was having any twinges, but nothing...howzat! I had insisted on a fine bottle of something bubbly from Thud's cellar after dinner as I was determined to wet the baby's head, even if she was refusing to come out and meet her auntie Vinogirl, before I jetted off.
It turns out I wasn't disappointed after all. I had 45 mins with the 40 minute old little darling before I was driven to Manchester Airport.
She's a little corker!
Friday, May 15, 2009
A common weed.
Common vetch,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Good wine gone bad.

I get excited to have nicely salted and vinegared fish and chips when I get home to England, accompanied by a pleasing glass of wine. I usually prefer the vinegar be on my chips as opposed to in my glass, call me old fashioned, but a glass full of vinegar I did indeed get with this one. Hate when that happens.
Acetic acid,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blackbird fly.
The 1999 Chateau Cantemerle was quite enjoyable. Not a complex wine, at best medium bodied, but pleasant in its tannin structure, with well integrated oak, and a nice cassis-leather-cedar-roasted nut, flighty smoked meat nose. Naturally, as I expected, there was quite a bit of barnyard present that even the non-wine drinkers at the table could detect. Now and again I like a little bit of Brettanomyces in my wine, it can add a bit of character: too much can be another matter. Thankfully though, it blew off after a good swirl. This wine would probably had been even better with food.
I have always loved wines from the Medoc. I enjoy the complexity the coastal climate lends to the finished wines. I think the main reason I love Napa and Sonoma viticulture so much is the similarity in proximity to the coast and the marine influence on the maturing fruit.
We are saving the Madeira for tonight...phew!
4-Ethyl guaiacol,
No Malbec,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Liturgical viticulture.

God continued to show he has a sense of humour as the entire mass was vine themed thanks to a preponderance of references from the book of John in the hymns, readings and even the Gospel. He must have known I was visiting from Napa.
Paddy's Wigwam,
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Out of place.
England never looked so lovely to me; pheasants meandered in a field below, swallows bobbed and weaved overhead, cows lazily munched their way over the extremely close cropped grass in a nearby pasture, and a small brook babbled in the background. I commented on how green and lush the grass was and how silly I thought it was for people to have lawns in California. Thud agreed and said how he quite liked the landscaping style a lot of Californians are now leaning towards of native, drought tolerant plant species, adding that it would be like planting a vineyard in the field in front of us...then having to build a greenhouse around it. Rain threatened a little so we continued on our trek.
With the parish church of St. Bartholomew coming into view, we knew that we were close to the end of our walk. It was then that we noticed, as we looked across the estuary to see if Wales was still bathed in sunlight, something very familiar, to me at least, on the horizon that we had not expected to see: a vineyard. We climbed over the gate that led to the field of vines to get a closer look. Indeed, it was a vineyard of only about 2 acres, I would suppose, but a vineyard none the less. We were both stunned. It seemed so out of place.
I have been home for a week now and have seen the sun for at most a few hours, total. Unless these vines, whatever varietal they are, have the ability to ripen in tundra like conditions they are going to produce grapes with some seriously high acid. I do not think the cultivation of vines in more northerly areas is an indication of global warming. Instead, it is more likely that new hybridised varietals are being produced that are more cold tolerant and less sunlight needy. At least that's what I believe as I sit here with a woolly jumper on, getting paler by the second and in desperate need of a mug of hot chocolate. Oh, to be in England now that May is here!
Friday, May 08, 2009
One small step.

Of course I had to go and take a peek at the vines that were being offered for sale. All the vines were Vitis but no recognisable wine varieties. Thud decided to purchase a Regent grapevine, a dark skinned variety that apparently can be used for wine production, or as table grapes. He's not going to get much wine out of one plant, but it's a start. Thud makes great cider though, so perhaps he should leave the winemaking to Vinomaker.
100th post,
Vitis vinifera
Thursday, May 07, 2009
One of these things is not like the other...
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Revenge for the Revolution?

It cuts both ways I suppose: I have had Americans tell me that the English only drink cheap wine. After being initially insulted I have to admit that a visitor, from any wine producing region of the world, would pity the poor Englishman's taste buds after witnessing the choice of Californian wines available to him.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Move over Auction Napa Valley.
The wines may be half price but I don't think I will be buying any of them: the selection is disappointing. I'll just try a couple of older things from Thud's cellar. Of course I have an aversion to most of the over priced cult wines in Napa too. I am so hard to please! I think I will just drink something I like, not something someone tells I should like because the price tag deems it so.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Get back...
Today I am going home. Not that I'll be missing much weather-wise in Napa, it poured down all day yesterday. It was OK for me, I finished my English homework, ran some errands and packed...but the poor Vinodogs were bored stiff. They much prefer bouncing around in the California sun, chasing lizards and what not.
V1 is rather attached to me. Last time I left for a fortnight she barely ate the entire time I was gone. That makes me sad even though I am excited to go home.
The wine is packed (a nice selection for Thud), the case is zippered and my passport is in my hand.
Get back JoJo!
Get back,
Home Sweet Home,
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