Every 3 or 4 years we seem to get a bumper crop of acorns, 2009 is one of those years. The recent rain aided and abetted in the dumping of a massive amount of acorns onto the driveway. Of course, they drop at any old time but primarily when I am making a trip out to the dustbin...ouch!
Vinomaker is also busy stockpiling for winter, however his stash, ahem, is in liquid form! He has so many fermentations going on right now that the Vinodogs and I may have to move into a hotel, temporarily, to make way for all the fermentation bins.
you need a micro pig...they love acorns.
More like 100 micro pigs...or one macro version.
You could always take action against the squibbles...my Intrepid Explorer boyfriend was given a Squirrel Pie to eat last week and has had a bounce in his step ever since! By the way, I too was plagued by styes when I was a child!
You know, I think I read a blog recently about someone eating squirrel something, seemed a little strange at the time. I suppose it must be more common than I think.
Styes, a ha!...you must read Wartime Housewife's blog.
We actually have a micro pig, V2, but she seems to be more interested in the tasty meals prepared by Vinogirl than consuming acorns. And the suggestion about acorn wine just does not resonate with my taste buds given the great quality of grapes this year! I will just keep shipping those annoying oak orbs off to the composting center.
Vinomaker, as long as the acorns don't get into your delicous wine we will be alright :)
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