Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who are you and why are you in my vineyard?

Look what the Vinodogs found for me today along a short retaining wall, above the Pinot gris vines. It's actually the second time the poochies have found a tortoise for me in Vinoland. You'd think it would be an unusual event, but no. However, this time I cannot identify what type of tortoise, or turtle, it is...oh bother! He (because it is a boy), is now in a large, dry box, with lots of scrunched up newspaper, in Vinomaker's wood shop. I have no idea what I am going to do with him.


Thud said...

firstly...keep the vinodogs away!

monkey said...

keeo him till the summer princess otw will love to see one, she was drawing one just last night. plus i kinda want to see one too.

Thomas said...

Set him free...they don't do well in captivity.

Do Bianchi said...

my goodness! where do they come from? do they live in a nearby body of water? I had no idea such a creature lived up there!

Affer said...

By the look of it, that's a California Racing Tortoise. Did you see a hare nearby?

Lord Roby said...

Vinogirl,The reason the Giant Turtle took 300 years to be classified ,is that, once caught they had to be shipped back to blighty.The problem was they were so damn delicious none of them ever made it back there.Maybe this little relative is equally tasty!! What wine would you recommend with him? Let me know if it was a good choice....mmmmm.

Sip with Me! said...

Such an unlikely guest in the vineyard. I say let him be, set him free!!

Wartime Housewife said...

Are they actually wild tortoises or are they escaped domestic ones?

Vinogirl said...

Thud and Monkey: I'm afraid I am looking for good home for him.

Thomas: He is luckiy he didn't get run over by a tractor, car, or molested by the Vinodogs. It's not safe here. I don'y know whether he is a tortoise or a turtle, if a tortoise he's an escaped pet and can spread disease to a native population (which I don't beleiev we have in these parts), so it's best I seek the advice of a professional.

2B: We have a creek on the property. I let him have a quick paddle but he didn't seem very happy.

Affer: Nope, no racing stripes on his carapace. Lots of jack rabbits around but none have challenged him to a race.

Lord Roby: He is rather large so I'm sure he'd be a bit tough to chew, so he is safe from becoming a food and wine pairing.

Sip and WH: Still have no idea what he is. The Vinodogs' vet is on the case though. If I set him free the Vinodogs may 'recapture' him.

Vinomaker said...

He, is a Western Pond Turtle (Actinemys maromorata) as it turns out. He must have inadvertently slipped into the outflow of his pond upstream from Vinoland and surfed (this is California of course) his way down stream. We located a quiet little pond nearby and relocated him. He wasted no time in paddling off to eat and explore his surroundings.

Vinogirl said...

VM, he looked so happy as he swam away didn't he? :)

Craig Justice said...

I know what my Chinese friends would do: turtle soup! Always adventures in the vineyard. Cheers!