The local avian population may be done with child-rearing for the season (as evidenced by the abandoned nest I found earlier: complete with Vinodog 1 fur-lining of course), but I still have yet to plant and rear my babies!
We did finally manage to get the tree stump out today, hooray! It took myself and Vinomaker, on a tractor each, ganging up on the aforementioned stump until it finally yielded to the power of John Deere and Ford. Phew!
Now, aren't I supposed to be nest hunting for Thud?
Yes you fur lining please!
cool temps good for a good wine year eh?
Thud: not even ermine?
Weston: Photosynthesis although primarily light driven (and high quality light at that), is also temperature dependant...we don't want to be making European style wines after all!
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