Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tarnished medals.

There are lot of competitions out there, a lot. Actually hundreds in California alone that commercial wineries and home winemakers alike can enter. They vary from well recognised contests and those in vastly distributed industry publications to small, regional local fairs. They seemingly have a million categories that all and sundry can enter...and everyone seems to be a winner. In fact Vinomaker has won two gold medals in consecutive years at a Sonoma County fair for his Syrah. (He's very modest. A 'friend' entered him both times).
The irony is that the Vinodogs made the wines, they're smart poochies. The one judge, in 2007, with the "try again" comment, must have known!


Thud said...

That explains a certain something on the nose!

Lord Roby said...

I bet one does all the grafting while the other just floats around like a butterfly.Funny how dogs mirror their owners!!
You haven't answered my molecule question yet.Too technical??

Vinogirl said...

Hey, it's not too technical. Ofcourse it's a hydrocarbon, it's molecular formula is C4H6O6. There are 4 forms of tartaric acid and only one appears in grape juice (L+)so you're safe. But whilst in Belguim, go eat a load of Brussel Sprouts and make some CH4 (Methane if it's too technical for you)...and go combust away.
Thanks for the postcard by the way :)

Lord Roby said...

Thanks for the solution.I have another teaser for you Mad-Mosel Vinogirl.While eating a grape in the week a pip got lodged in my cavity.Upper right molar to be precise.What is the half-life of a grape pip? Cos it's gonner be there till it disintegrates.It is seriously pissing me off.It's seedless for me from now on.And do seedless grapes fire blanks?Help!

Vinogirl said...

Can't you just go to the dentist? You're working now m'Lordship.

Thud said...

english teeth!