Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve baking.

I spent most of my day making and baking stuff, puppy chow, bourbon balls, bread and lastly, but in no way least, mince pies.  Now I'm ready to consume some.  Making mince pies is one of my favourite Christmassy things to do, although it's always a bit of a puzzle getting the right size for the pie-tops and -bottoms.   This year, I found that a stemless wine glass was the perfect diameter for the bottoms (very innovative, me).
I love Christmas Eve; the excitement and anticipation, the lights and sounds, the traditions and memories.  A very happy Christmas Eve to all!


New Hampshire Wineman said...

VG: You are a renaissance wo-man, and never cease to amaze!
What will you pair with mince pies? A lovely Northwest Pinot Noir or a Burgundian Chardonnay? Maybe that Christmas beer?

Vinogirl said...

NHW: That Christmas beer might be a good choice, but probably something in the late harvest department. Right now, two mince pies just got paired with a mug of Earl Grey.

Thud said...

It's the best day...not bad mincies, will try some in a year or two!