Friday, September 02, 2016

Party's over.

My family returned home to England yesterday, and today I returned to the vineyard.  I have a lot of catching up to do.
I usually like to post photographs of all four of Vinoland's grape varieties going through their particular physiological stages, but I was a bit busy this summer.  I totally missed the Cabernet sauvignon (CS) grapevines going through veraison.
Vinoland's CS vines are 100% through veraison, as they should be this time of year, yes, even my little slowcoach Clone 4.  And I missed it all. Now I have to get my head out of holiday-mode and into harvest-mode. (TWWIAGE harvested their first grapes of 2016, Sauvignon blanc, on August 25th.)  The grapes themselves will keep me on schedule: I am now on their timetable.


New Hampshire Wineman said...

VG: I get the feeling that before long your family will be living next door!
As for this picture: It is spectacular, and I wish I had taken it!

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Nope, they only like to visit.

Re photograph: Vines provided ripening fruit, sun provided lighting - the rest was easy. Thanks, anyway.

New Hampshire Wineman said...

VG: So say you, but in photography one of the lessons of 'good' photography is 'seeing', and that is either learned or natural; when 'seeing' is natural it may be taken for granted, like the ability to write well; you are a gifted person and it appears you don't know it, but that's neither here nor there: we are the Beneficiaries of natural talent; do you paint too? I think a video of you singing or playing the bagpipes might be a hoot;)
Oh, what say you concerning a certain Shafer (haven't heard)?

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Just let me say I struggle to "see" then...can't paint and I definitely can't sing.