If I didn't already know that I enjoy a glass of Soave every now and again, it certainly could be helpful, to aid in my choice of purchasing this wine, to know that this bottle's content was
dry and crisp. That it has
12% alcohol by volume - again, somewhat helpful.
Vegetarian - important to some people, not me (I'm assuming the producer uses bentonite only when fining).
UK units - at this point I'd have to pull out my calculator to figure out the recommended daily allowance for myself (only if I was drinking this in the UK, that is). I have to say, there is quite a bit of potentially useful information crammed onto the back label of this Soave Classico offering from Tesco. However, the universal prohibition sign, which I am assuming warns of the dangers of consuming alcohol whilst pregnant, merely looks like getting pregnant is disallowed. Consumer nannyism at its best.
The bottle is glass - good to know.
Every time I see the pregnant warning on labels I think of my dear old mom, who never worried about her daily moderate does, gave birth to ten of us, and never had a FAS among us...lucky or just not relevant???
dose...not does
I like the thought of daily moderate does.
Yeah, I does it every day, don't you?
Only if it is a buck, otherwise it is too deer....urgh.
Thomas: I think babies should have the best beginning to life that a responsible adult can give them. But, if a woman wants to have a 4 oz glass of bubbles (or anything) on a special occasion, who am I to say she shouldn't? Besides, the stress of worrying about having a drink is of probably more of a detriment than the actual drink.
Thud & Thomas: Stop it!
Hilarious! Because that's precisely how most people GET pregnant! (plus I never looked that chic and pony-tailed perky when I was preggers!)
I get het up over all this nanny-ism. Every product one buys these days is covered in mouldings and stickers advising safety compliance with CE, ISO, SAE, DIN, and also gives the country of origin or some such lie. And everything likely to be swallowed, sniffed or drunk carries a warning of obesity, paralysis, seizure, coma or imminent death.
So, are all these warnings responsible for the world's expanding population? If so, lets go back to the old, uninformed days and help reduce the planet's people by a few billion!
The warning label on wine came about in the good ole USA in the mid 1980s, when the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and other so-called watchdog groups, decided that the best way to fight alcoholism is to draft the government into the business of telling a combination of half truths and out-and-out lies.
The fact remains that an underwhelming minority of pregnant women give birth to babies who have FAS, and the overwhelming majority of those births are attributed to women with real alcohol problems, among other nutritional failings.
The warning is like spraying a whole town with napalm just to kill one man-eating plant.
ALW: Yes, the little silhouette is a annoyingly perky isn't it?
Affer: I know. The ever, continuing dumbing-down of society is painful to behold.
Thomas: Revolt on, my good man! However, I fear common sense will never, ever prevail again.
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