With the recent end of Daylight Saving Time (a week behind the end of British Summer Time), it is now dark when I get home from the winery. Whether it is light or dark when I drive in through the gate, the Vinodogs are always barking and yipping in welcome, but more likely in anticipation of being fed. Tonight I was greeted by a plump, rather happy looking toad that sat in the middle of the path and was quite unperturbed when I bent down and got up close and personal with him. The western toad (
Bufo boreas) was also quite happy to wait while I ran into the house and grabbed my camera for a photo op. The Vinodogs were sequestered on the deck so Mr. Toad was quite safe from becoming their dinner...but I did wonder what wine would pair well with Toad-in-the-Hole.
Magnificent photo of Gordon Bro.....oh, no! It's a different kind of toad!
Don't let V2 lick it...crazy enough as she is.
A wine to accompany toad-in-the-hole. Hmmm. Maybe the Tegernseerhof "Bergdistel" Gruner Veltliner?
Then again, maybe a nice cold Fuller's ESB.
Great picture, Vinogirl !
There was an item on BBC TV the other night about noisy natterjack toads in the extensive sand dunes near (guess where ?) Southport !
Lucky you.If it was a Natterjack Toad you would still be chasing it now!As for wine to accompany it.How about a bottle Of Chateau Grenouille Grenache my dear Sommeliette!
Good ole Fashion Mead!
Yes Affer, the resemblance is astounding!
Thanks for all your suggestions, but I decided this particular food pairing was best left to the Froggies!
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