Thursday, January 17, 2013

A spot of gold.

Freezing temperatures are proving to be persistent; I'm enjoying the cold spell immensely, especially when walking the Vinodogs.
Not much happening with me.  Not at work, not in the vineyard - except some of my favourite weeds are starting to bloom.  Field marigolds have been blooming up in Oakville for over two weeks and I have enjoyed spotting them in various vineyards on my drive to, and from, TWWIAGE.  Here in Coombsville, 15 miles to the south, it is much cooler and these sunny little flowers are just thinking about making an appearance.  Infact, this is the one, solitary bloom thus far in Vinoland.  C'mon little Calendula.


New Hampshire Wineman said...

V-girl, some people don't understand that Cali, like Arizona, actually have 4 seasons too, it's just not as extreme as the the North East for example.
It should be another three months before I see a wild-flower!

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Saw my first California poppy just before Christmas, over by the college. Yup, there are 4 seasons here...just the edges are a bit blurry!

About Last Weekend said...

Lovely photo. I've got some calendula but think they might be white - is that right? Love how they embrace weeds here in Ca. Funny, our gardener just told me I have to water the plants just as much in the cold as otherwise they literally become freeze dried

Thud said...

Its snow good here!

Vinogirl said...

ALW: No, Calendula, or marigolds, are usually yellow.
A rose by any other name...
Funny, our gardener, me, killed three favourite lantana plants last year because I forgot to water them in the cold (and it was so dry last winter, remember?)

Thud: A crocus, a snowdrop, here or there perhaps?