Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winery Christmas Lights 5.

Situated on the corner of the Oakville Crossroad and the Silverado Trail, this festive tree twinkles and sparkles night after night for countless passing motorists to enjoy.  Erected by the kindly proprietor of Rudd Vineyards & Winery, this relatively small gesture of installing a Christmas tree in a high profile area, to be shared by many, goes a long way to embodying the true spirit of the season.  Rudd doesn't just stop with Christmas, recently they had on display a massive carved pumpkin for Halloween and coming up soonish will be a large arrow-pierced heart, they place on the same corner annually, for our St. Valentine's Day delectation.  The Christmas tree just happens to be my favourite.


Thud said...

Health and safety would remove it here as a distraction to motorists...bah humbug.

idle said...

Gosh it's a small world. I met the proprietor of Rudd on holiday on Harbour Island, Bahamas about four years ago. A very well-upholstered gentleman who, I remember, owned a large and unusual dog, which accompanied the Rudds on holiday. He invited us over to his house and served Rudd wine to us.

Can't remember his name without googling.

I also have Christmas bling as my yuletide post over at idle.

Bottoms Up, vinogirl. Good wishes to all.

idle said...

Only now have I clicked on the Rudd link. Leslie, that's the chap.

Vinogirl said...

Thud: The Silverado Trail is a little mellower than the M62!

Idle: Wow, it is a small world...yes I believe he is a large man but I have never seen him in person. Besides the winery and Dean & DeLuca, he also owns the Oakville Grocery...large in stature, large in bank account!!!