Different governor (Arnie is now history), same message: Drink California wines...and keep Vinogirl gainfully employed.
Vinsanity ● n. a deranged state of mind usually occurring when the love of wine drives you crazy…so call me a cab.
Ok. Zin me up.
Actually I think I've only got one bottle of Zinfandel left in the cellar. A timely reminder.
Hope life's better than in the Mosel.
Cesar: I will be imbibing in some Zin, don't worry. And, it's been so cool in Vinoland that I wouldn't be surprised if we had a hail event, a la Mosel.
Oh great. You get a Wine Month, we get The Great Festival of Mangle Wurzels....
Affer: Don't cows deserve a gourmet beet salad every now and again? Do not disparage the lowly manglewurzel!
I intend to do that very thing and drink a nice California wine tonight. Yum!
hey, Jerry was governor when I was a kid growing up in California!!!??? What the hell happened? Time warp!
I'm proud to report that we drank some Californian wine last night at the Branch residence and it was delicious: Laetitia sparkling...
Remember when Jerry dated Linda Ronstadt?
Phlegmmy: Bottoms up!
2B: Jerry Brown again! Cyclical, like the climate :)
God bless Jerry Brown for declaring September a month of Vino! I will drink to that!
QOR: Welcome to Vinsanity, and bottoms up!
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