Sunday, November 07, 2010

There's a fungus among us!

The first two measurable rain events of the season have brought on an abundance of fungi that are furiously sprouting up all over Vinoland. I'm pretty sure this cluster, bursting forth through the landscaping outside my front door, are just plain, ordinary meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campestris). If I have indeed identified these fungus correctly, I believe they are quite edible. Not that I am going to be consuming them, I'm just not that adventurous - too many bad mushrooms look like good mushrooms (the 'shrooms in tonight's Stroganoff are store bought). I had some sautéed golden chanterelles recently at a winery event and they were delicious. I'm hoping one day some of those will grow in Vinoland, but then again, I probably wouldn't eat them either.


Affer said...

I read somewhere that all chemist's dispensaries in France must have someone trained in mycology - the idea being that, having picked your 'shrooms, you can take them there to be checked out. Seeing as soon we'll all be reduced to scavenging, I think that's a good idea!

Vinogirl said...

I think eating things that grow wild is fun...but if I am bothering to forage for berries, shrooms etc., I want it to be through personal choice, not necessity!

Lord Roby said...

Living opposite a 'Moss' which has frequently of late resembled a 'Bog',I too have noticed an unusually large number of different varietals of these beasts of late.Are they tasty,are they deadly,are they 'magic'??? Who knows? There are only three poisonous types in the UK supposedly,but since they where not on my 'things to know' as a sprog; I for one won't be taking any chances.Well,not until interest rates start rocketing....

Vinogirl said...

LR: We should have spent more time as kids learning about such woodland trespassing with more regularity on Lord Derby's estate!

New Hampshire Wineman said...

Vinogirl, the ambiance is nice, but such a beautiful group of mushrooms like this needed a horizontal approach coming in closer.