Monday, September 06, 2010

Happy Blogday.

There is nothing like a celebration to merit a glass, or two, of bubbly. I personally could drink champagne every day and I think it's a shame to relegate it to special occasions only. But, today happens to be a special occasion: it's my second anniversary of blogging.
I had no idea when I started to blog back in 2008 that I would have so much to say - however I think Vinomaker and my family would beg to differ....yikes! So, in honour of a mini-milestone in my viticultural meanderings, a glass of the most sublime Veuve Cliquot rosé champagne was in order.
I just want to say a sincere thank you to those who regularly comment on Vinsanity (you know who you are.) It is always a pleasure to read your comments and I am always grateful for your input. Cheers!
Roll on year 3!


Alice Scradcza said...

I have learned so much from your blog, that I seriously considered giving up welding to become an oenologist.

Thud said...

Alice...get up to Thud acres...we have welding for you and some of the vinogirls wine!....happy blogging little sis.

Percy Weiper said...

If Blogs were bier, yours would be a freshly poured Malzmühle Mühlenkölsch.

Affer said...

More power to your keyboard!

Lord Roby said...

I've heard you only drink on two occasions Vinogirl.When it rains...and when it doesn't!!! "I guess it never rains in Southern California"

Leon Stolarski said...

Many happy returns of the blog, Vinogirl. Keep it up - I always enjoy reading your stuff.

Camilla Jessop said...

So nice, my dear, to read a blog that doesn't resort to smuttiness and innuendo.

Thomas said...

Don't stop writing Vinogirl--and certainly keep up with the pics.

Do Bianchi said...

mazel tov, VinoGirl! so glad you started your blog... we love it... enjoy the Champers!

idle said...

Happy anniv. If it wasn't so late I'd open some Pol Roger.

Keep going.

Wartime Housewife said...

Happy Anniversary - it's a great blog, with superb photos and I learn stuff too. Here's to many more years.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm glad I made it on your second year! Happy Anniversary Vino Girl! Cheers!

Ron Combo said...

Good job you weren't blogging in the 17th century Vinogirl! This is what Robert Burton, an English clergyman had to say: "...those two main plagues, and common dotages of human kind, wine and women, which have infatuated and besotted myriads of people. They go commonly together." Not an especially happy vicar, our Robert, his main work was called "The Anatomy of Melancholy". Obviously TT, clear as houses. Anyway, great blog Vinogirl, here's to much more!

Vinomaker said...

Good job Vinogirl. May Vinoland provide you with more fodder for your wit and pencil. As well, know that it is never a bother to taste any wine or food samples that interest you for research.

Vinogirl said...

Thank you all so much for commenting...this may be the most comments I have ever had and I'm thrilled. Thanks again!