Saturday, September 12, 2015

Syrah is wild.

One could be forgiven for thinking that this photograph of grape flower buds was taken earlier this year, but nope, I took it earlier today. I was out in the vineyard checking the progress of grape maturation when I came across this particular over achiever.  It didn't surprise me in the least, as Syrah is my little wild child.
A quick berry sampling of the Syrah today revealed the vital statistics of; 25.0 °Brix, a pH of 3.30 and a TA of 8.5.  Things are looking good.
And I just realised that I missed my 7th Blogiversary (the 6th of this month), oops!  I have been so busy, I simply failed to remember my anniversary. Thanks to those who read and comment on Vinsanity, I really appreciate your input.
Roll on year 8!


New Hampshire Wineman said...

Happy Seventh going into your eight!
VG: There's a lot of wine blogs, but yours is the only one I visit regularly!
I'm sure there are may reasons for that, but for one you are the most REAL!
Oh, do you cut those late Syrah arrivals?

Thomas said...

Happy eighth in advance, and you are among the Real.

Probably should get rid of those little syrah guys. They are taking energy at the wrong time.

Vinogirl said...

NHW: Thank you. Yep, that's me, the real thing. Oh no, That's Coca-Cola - marketing phrases are taking over my brain!

Tomasso: Real, what? That sounds a bit ominous!!!
Flower buds are history, along with every little cluster of second crop I could find.