This winery,
Peju Province, is in my mind notable not for the wines they produce, but for the strangely pruned sycamore trees that line the winery's driveway. These poor, pathetic trees lean northwards in unison all year long as if besieged by a constant, raging wind from the south. It doesn't seem right somehow that each
Platanus occidentalis is pruned to within an inch of it's life. Where are the outraged tree-huggers? However, come Christmas-time it's a different story. Bedecked in glowing, red fairy lights these trees suddenly become a wonderful sight to behold and one tends to forget that the wines within are not so spectacular.
Christmas lights put a new spin on everything, don't they? ;-)
Merry Christmas VinoGirl and VinoMaker and VinoDogs! :-)
Looking forward to seeing you in 2011!
No kidding about the lights!
Season's greetings to you and Tracie P!
Merry Christmas Vinogirl!
Happy Christmas VG! The Bonarda will be in London for you in April even if I can't be there to present it personally!
So? Nothing special. Here in Turnipia, we hang fairy lights on the Brussels Sprout plants.........
Thanks for great year of marvellous photos VG - much happiness to all in Napa Valley.
Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße!
WH: Same to you, B1 and B2!
Ron: Alas, I'll be up north, drink it for me...Buon Natale!
Affer: Nothing wrong with festive sprouts. Thanks for reading and commenting all year long. Happy Christmas.
Herr Weiper: Nice of you to make another appearance. Merry Christmas!
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