For those of you who had a leisurely, unofficial last day of summer, I hope you enjoyed it. I laboured all day at the winery...but that's OK, I had fun and I got paid!
I just wanted to remind everyone that September is California Wine Month. Arnie wants you to get out there and support the Californian wine industry.
C'mon folks...go forth, partake of the Golden States' wines and keep Vinogirl in gainful employment.
Thank you!
Given the choice in the shops here I doubt I will be able to contribute much.
Oh just get a bottle of Ravenswood and watch an Arnie film! That will suffice.
'Labour' and Happy are mutually exclusive terms in GB at the moment...perhaps more wine would help! I'll try.
Yes, Affer drink more...it may just seem like a bad dream when you wake up!
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